Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


The online website network was created so that users could shop online and save time and money. provides its guests with trendy tickets and discounts.


Is offerovo Collect Your Information?


Your Personal Information is not needed for to operate properly.

Your Personal Information is not obtained by us from our business partners, such as retailers, or from publicly or commercially available sources, including the Services.

When you enter to obtain services or in any other way give us customer information, we do not receive or keep that information. This data might contain your entire name, email address, shipping address, home and office address, user name, password, order details, transaction details, and payment details including credit card number, expiration date, and details.


Changes to this Privacy Policy:


We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement at any time, so we encourage you to visit our website frequently to review it. Any terms and conditions that may apply to you must be understood by you. Every update will take effect as soon as we publish it. For major updates, check our store page on a daily basis for your favorite store coupons, or search for new coupons and deals from the store of your choice.
